How do we tell someone about the experience of all the days we spend in a place? How do we make those events shareable and transmissible through a performative device made up of words, voices, sounds, images, objects, gestures? How is it possible that a personal experience becomes a common subject to other people who weren’t there? How does the sharing of the sensitive take place? From my village I see how much of the earth can be seen in the universe is a multidisciplinary performance that takes place between the view of a drone and the hands of a seamstress.
Da minha aldeia vejo quanto da terra se pode ver no universo
Terceira Pessoa
Terceira Pessoa is an arts organisation that focusses especially on the performing arts and areas between disciplines. Using an interdisciplinary approach, TP brings together professionals working in a range of artistic languages. Catering to audiences of all ages and sociocultural backgrounds, TP brings communities closer to the territory of both their local area and the country as a whole, promoting cultural interchange between heritage and contemporary modes of expression. It thus focusses on three main pillars. First, it creates artistic works under the name of the organisation, and promotes the regions it works in as spaces for artistic production and community work, at national and international levels. Second, it brings the public closer to contemporary artistic languages, through participatory methodologies and ongoing collaboration. And third, it programmes seasons of multidisciplinary artistic practice that both encourage the circulation of artists and provide the local population with access to the experimental work that arises.

© Tiago Moura
Concept, artistic direction and performance Ana Gil and Nuno Leão
Dramaturgy and Text Nuno Leão
Costumes and scenic space Ana Gil
Co-creation and sound composition Rui Dias
Co-creation and video Tiago Moura
Embroiderer Hermínia Marta Caetano
Participation Augusto Pereira, Inês Caetano, Isabel Lobo, José Moita, Margarida Gil, Mário Caetano, Isabel Caetano, Luís Simões, Sónia Bento, Sofia Frazão
Acknowledgements José Luís, ARPICA, Vicente Batalha, Alcanena em Cena, Junta de Freguesia de Alcanena e Vila Moreira
Organization Materiais Diversos
Production Terceira Pessoa - Associação